The examples listed below are made with Apple's iWeb and contain items which are no longer required. Use the reflections, rationales, and artifacts as possible examples.
College of Communications - Student e-Portfolio Examples. Music Education at Penn State - e-Portfolio - Partnership for Music Teacher Excellence.
Portfolio Examples Page address: http://sbs.mnsu.edu/socialstudies/studentportfolios . Each student will complete the portfolio prior to student teaching. The portfolios are .
As a graduate student you should see your student teaching portfolio examples teaching portfolio as part of a more developmental . See Peter Seldin's book, The Teaching Portfolio, for other examples. Detailed Table of .
This student was a fairly good writer. However, through writing assessment feedback for the state writing test, I
student teaching portfolio
discovered she was lacking in using grade level.
All students who intend to be a teacher, or even teachers wanting to better their performance, need a teaching portfolio. This article is an example of a reflective essay done .
Department of History Burkhardt Building (BB), room 200 Ball State University Muncie, IN 47306 Hours: 8 a.m-5 p.m. Monday-Friday (Summer Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.)
. Peter Seldin is the best discussion of the teaching portfolio we've found. The following examples of . or better in outstanding teaching. Students' personal comments on .
A teaching portfolio is a factual description of an . the field and their effects on teaching. Below we have included an example of . has been beneficial to all - student and teacher .
Munsonian Newspaper Staff Magician Yearbook Staff
. out these examples by collecting
. publications will help graduate students compile a teaching portfolio to . guidelines, as well as examples (including digital portfolios). Developing a Teaching Portfolio , Ohio State .
Example of a Homeschool Portfolio. Students who homeschool experience a variety of learning methods, both . Certain states require a yearly evaluation by an accredited teacher to .
. student or
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